Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just a Couple Things

July is almost over! It came and went really fast and I did learn a couple things this month. The first thing I learned is to never let your dog eat charcoal, unless you feel like cleaning up a mess. Daisy, our pup, kept having accidents in her cage at night and for the longest time, we were thinking she had some kind of bug or worm or something wrong with her. We took her to the vet and she was put on antibiotics and it worked, but only for a week. We bought some dog vitamins at the pet store because we thought she had some sort of irritable bowel problem, but then I caught her eating charcoal that got dropped from the grill. AHA! Charcoal cleans you out. I don't know how good it tastes or why she would continue to eat it if we let her, but we are now more careful about it and if some does fall, it is cleaned up right away before Miss Daisy can sniff it out and gobble it up again. :)

The second thing I learned this month is that babies have no nose hairs. Yep, I never even realized that before, and I have 5 kids. That is why they sneeze alot when they are first born. I always thought they were getting a cold or that the air conditioner was turned down too low. Who would have thought that it would take me 5 children to learn this, but it did. So, I guess you really DO learn something new every day!

And here are some pics I thought I'd share of baby G:

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