Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This Week

This week is the kids' last week of school until summer vacation. While some mom's like to complain that their kids will be home with them getting into their hair, I am one of those moms who gets excited about not having a schedule to follow. Our schedule will soon consist of waking up to no alarm clock, swimming in the pool all day, eating popsicles and fruit salads for lunch, and staying up as late as we want. I have to say that I am also pretty excited about not having to make lunches at 7:30 in the morning.

Last week was also the end of the kids' soccer season. Emily has asked me to sign her up for t-ball for the summer. Matthew has asked to play too, but they don't offer it for 3 year olds, so we will have to play alot of catch in the backyard. Thought I'd share a few pics from their soccer season. They are looking forward to playing again in the fall. :-)

Yesterday we went to Target because I had to return the t-ball glove that I got Matthew for his birthday. He got 2 and so we walked up and down the toy aisles so that he could pick out something else. After asking me if he could have almost everything, he decided on a Buzz Lightyear. We got home and he ate his lunch with Buzz and ended up getting food all over him. Then he took it upon himself to wash Buzz in the bathroom sink while I was downstairs putting some laundry in the dryer. I came up to a dripping Buzz and water all over my hallway and bathroom floors. Buzz takes batteries and has some water inside him now and so he's not really working too well. Matthew got a screwdriver out of one of our drawers and asked if I could fix him because "sometimes he works and sometimes he doesn't" and he "just wants to play with him". I feel so bad. I am almost tempted to go buy him another one because I can't fix Buzz and I wish I could. He didn't even last a whole day. :-(

...And while I'm thinking about it, could someone please tell me why the crunchy taco shells spark and smoke and start the microwave on fire when just plain corn chips do not? They even say on the box that you can microwave them. Something tells me I shouldn't be eating them if they are so flammable...

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I agree-no schedule is the best schedule-I really enjoy getting to do whatever we want every day!