Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Halloween Box

Do you keep a Halloween box with all your family's old costumes? We do! In fact, we have 3 of them! Over the weekend, we got out all our fall decorations and the Halloween boxes came out as well.
If you have several kids who like to dress up for Halloween, I find that saving all their costumes in storage boxes over the years saves me big money when it actually comes time to start deciding on ideas and buying costumes. Sometimes I only have to buy a couple costumes or accessories. With sometimes 6 kids dressing up every year, costumes aren't cheap, it starts to add up quick!
Usually they can find bits and pieces of old costumes & combine them into an entirely new dress-up idea! We've acquired so many wigs, hats, glasses, noses, tops, & bottoms over the years that its really fun to see what they put together and come out wearing. I realize lots of people like the scary costumes, and I do too sometimes, but my most favorites are the unique, funny ones.
If you don't have a Halloween box yet, and you have a family that enjoys dressing up every year, you should start one this year!
My kids have been quietly entertaining themselves & using their imaginations for most of the weekend. 😀 Here are a few of their creations: 👇

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